Art by Keb
Kevin Daly is a contemporary realist based out of Breckenridge Colorado.

Why can't we all just get along? San Diego Museum of Art Artist Guild, Guild at the Lyceum, Second Place 2020 Original available 18 x 24 in acrylic on canvas $650

Battling for survival against a hidden enemy, Meningococcemia. 2020 Original $1100 24 x 36 inch oil on canvas Prints available

Kicking Covid's ass. 2020 Original SOLD 18 x 24 inch acrylic on canvas Prints available

Why can't we all just get along? San Diego Museum of Art Artist Guild, Guild at the Lyceum, Second Place 2020 Original available 18 x 24 in acrylic on canvas $650
2020 was also a year of trying new things. Several pieces use splatter and gravity in their creation. Early in the year I further experimented with using stencils as well. The year finished with Septicemia which set the stage for the work I have been creating through 2022.